Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry In Burnaby, BC

At Smile Dental Group in Burnaby, BC, sedation dentistry is one of our specializations. For patients who feel nervous or anxious about their procedure, it’s a great option, and we offer several types of sedation dentistry to our patients.

What Sedation Dentistry Looks Like

Sedation dentistry aims to reduce the pain a patient might feel during their dental procedure. The semi-wakeful state allows our dentists to perform complicated procedures while leaving the option open to communicate with the patient when necessary. Sedation levels and types will vary from patient to patient. We typically need to establish the patient’s health before the procedure and determine their anxiety level. After measuring the vital signs such as blood pressure, the procedure can begin. The three types of dental sedation are nitrous oxide, IV, and oral sedation.

Oral Sedation Types

Often patients have had previous bad experiences or are particularly anxious about dental treatment. We understand these concerns and will make every effort to ease them. For your comfort we offer blankets, warm towels, neck cushions and oral sedation.

With oral sedation you will remember very little of your visit/treatment but will be conscious during treatment. Many patients report feeling like they’ve slept thru the procedure. Patients undergoing oral sedation can respond to inquiries and continue to breath on their own. You will be required to have someone to accompany you home following your appointment and you will need a short time to sleep off the relaxing effect before driving or undertaking other ‘responsible’ behaviours.

IV Sedation

This more serious sedation is reserved for the patients we see who have extreme anxiety over dental procedures.

If you have more questions, we are happy to answer them. To schedule an appointment, call Smile Dental Group at Burnaby, BC, today.

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