What You Can Expect from a Dentist in Burnaby When You Visit Smile Dental Group

What You Can Expect from a Dentist in Burnaby When You Visit Smile Dental Group

February 26, 2018

As a patient living in Burnaby, you want to know that when you go to your dentist that you will be able to get whatever work you need done for you. At the Smile Dental Group in Burnaby we have a team of expert professional dentists and health care workers that provide all of the services that you want from a dental clinic. Read on to learn more about the services our Burnaby dentist will offer at Smile Dental Group.

General Check Ups

A general check up is one of the most important services that a dentist in Burnaby can provide. It may seem like a rather small service, but by having regular dental check ups – we recommend every six months – you will be able to have any problems recognized before they grow worse. Also, by having regular dental check ups with our Burnaby dentist at the Smile Dental Group, we will have your dental records on file, should you need other services down the line.

Repairing and Replacing Teeth

Teeth can chip, break, or fall out for all manner of reasons. This can be very frustrating for the patient and it is a matter that they will want dealt with as quickly as possible. The patient can feel self conscious, be in pain, and inconvenienced by such an issue. The good news is that our dentist in Burnaby can offer you a range of services when it comes to these issues. Fillings are great for chips and they can even consider dental implants for missing teeth, which can provide an extremely effective long-term solution.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Most people want a dentist in Burnaby to be able to offer it all, and that includes cosmetic dentistry. Many of us are unhappy with the appearance of our teeth and would like to be able to alter it. This is now possible with the wonders of cosmetic dentistry. Orthodontics of various kinds can straighten teeth,and also help fix bites. Veneers can completely mask teeth and make them appear straighter and whiter, and show less gum. There is also teeth whitening which is one of the simplest ways to improve the appearance of your teeth and leave you with a bright, Hollywood style smile.


This is the one nobody wants to have to visit a dentist in Burnaby for, but unfortunately it is sometimes unavoidable. A lot of us will end up needing surgery to remove a tooth, such as a wisdom tooth. When you visit your dentist in Burnaby at Smile Dental Group, we will make this experience as smooth and quick as possible and provide you support with your recovery.

For more information on the services that our dentist in Burnaby can offer at the Smile Dental Group, or to arrange a check up, visit us today,check out our website, or drop us a line. We want our patients in Burnaby to have access to the best dental services at the best dental clinic, so that is what we strive to be.

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